
“Alexa is such a special person. She is so sweet and kind and so so wise. She helped me unlock parts of myself that were dormant for years. She helped push me into releasing anger which was so uncomfortable at first but her encouragement made me feel so safe. The things she said felt so true in my bones. Since seeing her, I have felt so much safer in feeling whatever emotions come up and understanding that I need to allow and communicate them in order for me to release them and free up blocked energy. She gave me such beautiful insight on my relationships and business as well as how my past experiences have been affecting me today. I am so grateful for her!”

— ThaiHa Encinitas, CA

April 1st

Week 1

Week 1, Module 1


Week 3

Week 2, Module 2


Week 4

Week 3, Module 3

Mini Course In April

The Teachings Of Grandma

Week 4, Module 4


Week 2

Who Is This Course For?

This Course is for you!

What You Will Experience


You Will Complete This Course With These Feelings & Ready For

You will complete the course feeling safe, liberated, embodied, empowered! Ready to share with an embodied safety your innate God given gifts to share with the world. <3 YESSS!